

  • 2023-04-10


(照片由UVic Photo提供)





环境与气候变化战略部长George Heyman,说:“海洋可再生技术作为清洁能源具有令人难以置信的潜力,不列颠哥伦比亚省将从投资开发西海岸的风能、波浪能和潮汐能技术中受益。这笔资金将有助于继续UVic PRIMED令人难以置信的重要工作,为沿海社区开发清洁能源技术阳离子计划。”

UVic机械工程公司董事长兼PRIMED联合董事Brad Buckham补充道:“不列颠哥伦比亚省海岸拥有丰富的可再生潮汐能资源,可用于清洁能源的未来。



The government of British Columbia has provided C$2 million ($1.5 million) to the University of Victoria Pacific Regional Institute for Marine Energy Discovery (PRIMED) for research into tidal energy technologies.

Illustration (Photo courtesy of UVic Photo)

The provincial funding will support research on tidal turbines and other renewable energy sources such as wind, solar and low-carbon hydrogen at PRIMED ’s Blind Channel Test Centre, on West Thurlow Island, approximately 35 kilometers northeast of Campbell River.

The project will compare these new technologies and test how they perform in conditions on the West Coast, one of the most energetic tidal and wave climates in the world.

PRIMED projects are expected to support diversification of British Columbia’s marine energy  sector, clean-tech job creation, and innovations that can be adopted by coastal communities around the world to support the transition to clean energy .

Remote communities that are at greater risk of power disruptions during periods of bad weather can especially benefit from development of local power generation, building resiliency to unexpected events throughout the year, according to the British Columbia province.

George Heyman , minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, said: “Marine renewable technology has incredible potential as a source for clean energy, and British Columbia will benefit from investing in the development of wind, wave and tidal energy technologies right here on the West Coast. This funding will help continue the incredible and important work of UVic’s PRIMED to develop clean energy technologies for coastal communities and further our electrification plans.”

Brad Buckham , chair at UVic mechanical engineering and co-director of PRIMED, added: “British Columbia’s coast is blessed with an abundance of renewable tidal power resources that can be harnessed for a clean energy future.

“Working collaboratively with supportive partners in the public and private sectors, our role at UVic is to design the technology that will lead us to achieving this vision, with many exciting economic, environmental and social benefits for remote, rural and coastal communities throughout our province.”

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